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What you get for free:

  • 30 days free trial
  • Access to Web and Windows clients
  • Medical Device example project included
  • Free technical support

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Don't miss out our follow-up support while you try aligned elements and receive tips on a regular basis!

Need to know more?

If you want assistance to try your own QMS and/or development process in Aligned Elements, we'd be happy to assist you and work out a trial configuration for you.

Seeing your existing development documentation data in Aligned Elements can make it easier for you to assess how the system could assist your organization. We can help you parse and import your existing documentation into a test project.

How do the Aligned Elements Licensing plans work?

What licensing options does Aligned Elements support?
The Aligned Elements license model supports:
  • Floating (sometimes also called "concurrent") licenses
  • Node Locked (sometimes also called "named" or "personal") licenses
  • Review Licenses
The floating license is a shared license model which enables the customer to a certain number of concurrent users on an unlimited number of computers. As an example, two floating licenses allow two users to concurrently use Aligned Elements regardless of the number of computers.
Node-locked licenses are locked to a particular PC when using the Windows client or a particular user when using the Web Client. These are less flexible but, of course, also come at a lower price. 
Review licenses make it possible to read Aligned Elements content as well as actively participating in Review and Signature actions. This is the best option for those who are using or approving content rather than creating and modifying it.

All Aligned Elements licenses include support and updates for the full licensing period (1 year) and are paid and renewed yearly.
What is the minimum term of service?

The minimum term of service for the initial purchase is 12 months.

Can I buy additional licenses at a later stage?

Any number of additional licenses can be bought at any time. For administration convenience, we usually suggest that the expiration date for the additional licenses is matched to the expiration date of the initially purchased licenses.

How do I know if all my floating licenses are in use?

If all the floating licenses are currently in use, the next user logging in will be notified that all floating licenses are currently in use.

How do I renew a license?

In due time before the license expiration, you will automatically be sent a license update invoice. You do not have to explicitly contact us for license renewal.

Still have questions about Aligned Elements?

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.